
Archive for February, 2008

Fergie Sued For Stealing From Indie Artist

February 26, 2008 Comments off
Fergie Used Song Without Permission Or Payment To The Writer

Fergalicious” Thiefalicious

February 25. 2008

In an industry devoid of creativity and respect for domestic and international law, singer Fergie has been sued by a South Florida indie artist, Derrick Rahming, for illegally using his copyrighted song without permission.

Fergie gave him credit on her album The Dutchess, hoping to appease him if he found out, but NEVER ASKED FOR OR RECEIVED PERMISSION TO USE HIS COPYRIGHTED SONG AND DID NOT PAY HIM.

Fergie, I ask you, if someone stole your vehicle, opting to give you credit by keeping your name on the title, while they keep it and use it however they feel, stealing it in violation of the law, would you think it appropriate conduct? Because that’s what you’ve done to Rahming. 

If someone stole the four figure Hermes bag you are clutching in the picture posted below and did whatever they felt with it, would you consider that appropriate or stealing, as everyone else knows it to be:

(photo courtesy of Pop Sugar)



Things aren’t so Fergalicious for Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie. A copyright infringement lawsuit has been filed against the singer — real name Stacey Ferguson — for her 2006 hit Fergalicious. The suit, filed by Broward-based songwriter and performing artist Derrick Rahming, also known as Afro Rican, and Afro Rican Publishing and Hip Rock Entertainment, claim a portion of Rahming’s song Give It All You Got was used without permission.

The suit was filed in the United States District Court of the Southern District of Florida by entertainment attorney Richard C. Wolfe of Miami-based law firm Wolfe & Goldstein P.A.

”Derrick Rahming registered his copyrights in a proper and timely fashion,” said Wolfe. ”Fergie acknowledges her use of Rahming’s work in the album credits. However, at no time did Rahming give permission to Fergie to use his composition or sound recording. Rahming will seek disgorgement of Fergie’s profits, which resulted from her unauthorized utilization of his copyrighted work.” Calls to Fergie’s management were not returned by press time.

Story found here

Passing It Around

February 26, 2008 Comments off
Illegal Hollywood Practice Of Passing Around Unlawfully Procured Copyrighted Work

February 25. 2008

The Matrix

The Sophia Stewart “Matrix” copyright infringement case served as additional proof to many that there is a very serious problem with copyright theft in Hollywood.

This case, like many others, testifies against the nasty entertainment industry practice of passing around copyrighted works illegally procured by Hollywood denizens.

Neo from the Matrix

When I watched the film “The Matrix” I immediately recognized many Christian themes in it that others have written about in the press as well.

Then later I thought, how did these two guys, the Wachowskis, one a cross-dresser calling himself “Lana” who left his wife, the other another oddball, author a script with such a strong Christian bent to it. It just didn’t add up.

The Matrix

Most cross-dressers and gays usually don’t cite the Bible, as it is the Book that calls their lifestyle a sin that the Lord says they are to repent of (stop doing) and He will forgive them. Hollywood gays are almost always hostile and disrespectful towards the Bible and Christians – hence the rampant sacrilegious garbage on your TV.

Yes, that’s a dude – copyright infringer Larry “Lana” Wachowski of the Matrix

Then you find out that a New York born, black Christian woman, Sophia Stewart, wrote a script called “The Third Eye,” submitted it to the Wachowski brothers via answering an ad they placed in the paper for material.

Andy Wachowski posing with “Matrix” producer Joel Silver, who is underwriting another infringement, Rock N Rolla, by Guy Ritchie (Madonna’s emasculated husband). Old habits die hard.

A couple years later, they willfully infringed her copyright, also known as a crime. They were caught lying in court documents where they ended up contradicting previous statements.

Sophia Stewart

Then you find out Sophia Stewart contacted the FBI regarding the infringement of her copyright by Warner Bros. and the Wachowskis.

Copyright infringement is a crime the FBI investigates, as it is a criminal breach of federal law (and United Nations laws as well).

Scene from the Matrix

The FBI investigated and found her copyrighted script “The Third Eye” was on the set of “The Matrix.” They also found the Wachowski brothers and Warner Bros. edited out 30 minutes of the movie in an attempt to avoid copyright infringement claims. Clearly they didn’t edit enough, as her script still makes up the backbone of the film “The Matrix.”

James Cameron

The FBI also found during the course of their investigation that her copyrighted script was passed to James Cameron over at Columbia Pictures, and he infringed it as well for his movie “The Terminator.”

Among other things, the phrase made popular in the film “The Terminator” as said by Arnold Schwarzenegger, “I’ll be back,” was in Sophia Stewart’s copyrighted script years before Cameron infringed it for said film. It’s just one of several infringements contained in the movie.

Jessica Alba in Dark Angel

It should be noted, James Cameron has been formally accused by others of stealing several projects including Dark Angel (which he was sued for), Titanic (there was a very similar Titanic documentary that aired on national TV one year before Cameron decided to make his) and the forthcoming Avatar.

“According to court documentation, an FBI investigation discovered that more than thirty minutes had been edited from the original film, in an attempt to avoid penalties for copyright infringement. The investigation also stated that credible witnesses employed at Warner Brothers came forward, claiming that the executives and lawyers had full knowledge that the work in question did not belong to the Wachowski Brothers. These witnesses claimed to have seen Stewart’s original work and that it had been often used during preparation of the motion pictures. The defendants tried, on several occasions, to have Stewart’s case dismissed, without success.” (yahoo link)


Copyright Infringement Is A Crime

It’s the running theme in Hollywood – steal, steal, steal. Never mind international and domestic law calls copyright infringement a serious financial crime and violation of U.N. treaties.

Copyrights Are Intangible Assets

Copyright infringement is the equivalent of stealing someone’s home, stocks or bonds, as copyrights under all applicable laws (criminal and civil court – copyright, bankruptcy and tax law), are categorized as “intangible assets.” Like any other asset, when liquidated/used copyrights become money.

Put it this way, they include copyrights as intangible assets when calculating one’s net worth. Therefore, stealing copyrighted material is a crime, as you have stolen someone else’s assets A/K/A money. You’re a thief. A criminal. A fraud. A fake.

Copyright Lawyers

If Hollywood didn’t engage in copyright infringement at the stunning rate it does, there wouldn’t be so many copyright lawyers and law firms. There are 3,780 listed copyright law firms in America.

Anyone can file a copyright, it doesn’t require a lawyer to do that. But sadly, any deceitful, dishonest person can steal a copyright, hence the need for copyright lawyers to litigate and get said protected work back.

If there was no demand for copyright lawyers due to rampant cases of infringement, there would be no supply. Those 3,780 firms exist for a reason. Full stop.

In Closing

Typical of Hollywood and this ugly, unlawful arrogance it operates under, people’s copyrights are being brazenly stolen in violation of the law.

They behave as though others have no rights, when the United Nations states everyone has rights. They think they are above everyone else because they are famous, when it takes nothing to become a celebrity these days.

As a standing rule for anyone claiming to be a songwriter, producer, author or screenplay writer: if you were that good, you’d write your own stuff instead of stealing everybody else’s.

Story found here

Hillary Spent Too Much

February 23, 2008 Comments off
Hillary $10,000,000 In The Hole

Poorly Handled, Ineffective Campaign

February 22. 2008

For someone who claims to be the experienced candidate, Hillary Clinton sure has made a lot of blunders and engaged in massive, wasteful spending.

Her campaign blew $95,000 at a deli, $100,000 at a supermarket and $1,200 at Dunkin’ Donuts. She is running her campaign on the premise that the way to America’s heart is through its stomach.

Then there are the massive consulting fees – $10 million dollars worth. You mean to tell me your husband was president, twice, you are a senator, and you need that much consulting.

She’s blown through $106 million dollars. You sure you’re not a pop star. Because that kind of spending, and having nothing to show for it, screams pop star.

She spent millions on advertising, which is to be expected of any candidate that can afford it, but now that she’s out of money, she may want to do what desperate bimbos in Hollywood do when they are in dire need of publicity…make up a story that you’re pregnant…

Clinton Donors Worried by Campaign’s Spending

This article was reported by Michael Luo, Jo Becker and Patrick Healy and was written by Mr. Healy.

Nearly $100,000 went for party platters and groceries before the Iowa caucuses, even though the partying mood evaporated quickly. Rooms at the Bellagio luxury hotel in Las Vegas consumed more than $25,000; the Four Seasons, another $5,000. And top consultants collected about $5 million in January, a month of crucial expenses and tough fund-raising...

Story found here

Do They Want Him To Get Shot?

February 23, 2008 Comments off
Lax Secret Service Security At Obama Rally

Told To Stop Screening For Weapons

February 22. 2008

Stories surfaced today regarding the Secret Service lowering security standards at an Obama rally in Dallas. He’s the last candidate they should try that with. A black man running for president and they lower security.

If that’s what the Secret Service is going to do, Obama may want to borrow 50 Cent’s bulletproof vest.

“Report: Security relaxed at Obama speech”

DALLAS, Feb. 21 (UPI) — The Secret Service told Dallas police to stop screening for weapons while people were still arriving at a campaign rally for Barack Obama, a report said.

Police stopped checking people for weapons at the front gates of Reunion Arena more than an hour before the Democratic presidential hopeful appeared on stage Wednesday, the Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram reported.

Police said the order to stop using metal detectors and checking purses and laptop bags constituted a security lapse, the newspaper reported…

Story found here

Kabbalah Party = Hepatitis A

February 22, 2008 Comments off
New York Health Department: You’ve Got The Hep!

February 21. 2008

Ashton Kutcher (look at that outfit – you know he’s brainwashed)

The birthday party for Kabbalah cult member Ashton Kutcher, 12, held by his wife, Demi, 45, at New York’s Socialista, didn’t go according to plan.

Demi Moore

The party’s guests, Kutcher, Demi Moore, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and Donna Karan are being urged by the New York health department to go get tested, as it was revealed today that a bartender at Socialista had Hepatitis A.


Some of the symptoms of Hepatitis A are swollen muscles, swollen throat and brain damage. These symptoms probably didn’t phase Madonna, though, because she’s had them for quite some time. Between the man muscles, protruding Adam’s Apple and kooky brain damaged conduct, it’s a normal day for Madonna. She probably didn’t notice anything different.

Story found here

Former Clinton Campaign Manager Endorses Barack Obama

February 22, 2008 Comments off
February 21. 2008

Boy, everybody’s jumping ship on Hillary. Bill Clinton’s former campaign manager and head of the Democratic National Committee, David Wilhelm, has endorsed Obama. Ouch!

Several notable, publicized defections of former Clinton comrades hasn’t helped her cause. Hillary knows it too. She’s not saying, “When I become President” anymore. She’s saying, “If I become President.” She’s lost 10 primaries in a row. Maybe people are getting tired of the baggage that came with that era in politics. I also think the Obama/Clinton ticket would be a bad idea.

At first they kept attributing Obama’s wins to it being “a black state.” Utah a black state? Iowa a black state? (or New Hampshire for that matter). Show of hands, how many of you know black people from Utah or Iowa. Yea, me neither.

Story found here

McCain And Huckabee

February 22, 2008 Comments off

McCain And Huckabee

February 21. 2008

While McCain and Huckabee battle for the Republican nomination, people are asking whether or not they will be running mates. McCain is currently in the lead. While, Mike Huckabee, with little money and a grass roots campaign, got more votes than most anticipated. Could this be the ticket.

Story found here

ABC: Hillary Takes Swipe At Chelsea’s Profession

February 21, 2008 Comments off
February 20. 2008

Proof positive that Hillary Clinton doesn’t know what she’s talking about, spouting off any old hypocritical thing she thinks the public wants to hear in her bid for the nomination, came in the form of a quote where she slammed her only child’s profession.

Bill: Hey, there’s Monica! I see you girl!
Hillary: I’ll call you later Huma
Chelsea: these two are so messed up. It’s a wonder I’m not in therapy 24/7

It’s quite ungrateful of Hillary considering her daughter Chelsea has been spotted wining and dining super-delegates and in another incident, passing out donuts to workers at a polling station.

This caused criticism in the mainstream press, as family members of candidates aren’t supposed to be inside polling stations during Primary voting hours. Facing press criticism, it was claimed by the Clinton camp that Chelsea dashed out right before the polling station opened.

Chelsea: mommy made me do it!


“Real ‘Work’? Clinton Swipes at Chelsea’s Profession”

February 19, 2008 4:48 PM – ABC News’ Jennifer Parker and Eloise Harper Report: Sen. Hillary Clinton took a swipe at her daughter’s profession today at an economic roundtable discussion at a restaurant in Parma, Ohio, suggesting wealthy investment bankers and hedge fund managers on Wall Street aren’t doing real ‘work.’

The former first lady’s daughter, Chelsea Clinton, works for New York-based hedge fund Avenue Capital Group. She previously worked in New York for McKinsey & Company, her first job after graduating with her master’s degree from Oxford University.

Hillary Clinton Accuses Obama Of Plagiarism

February 21, 2008 Comments off
Teapot Calling The Kettle Black, Pardon The Pun

February 20. 2008

While I don’t agree with plagiarism or copyright infringement in any measure, as it is wrong, Hillary Clinton has accused rival Obama of lifting items from one of his endorsing supporters political speeches (Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick). Clinton provided video to support her claims.

Obama’s camp shot back (not literally) that Hillary was stealing their phrases, which supporting video illustrates she has been doing as well.

These claims coming from Hillary Clinton constitutes a hypocritical case of the teapot calling the kettle black, pardon the pun. In the 2007 book “Her Way” and in other credible online outlets, Hillary has been formally accused by multiple professionals in separate incidences of mining illegally wiretapped telephone calls for use in her political campaigns.

BOOK EXCERPT: “Investigative reporter at The New York Times, and Jeff Gerth, who spent 30 years as an investigative reporter at the paper, wrote: “Hillary’s defense activities ranged from the inspirational to the microscopic to the down and dirty. She received memos about the status of various press inquiries; she vetted senior campaign aides; and she listened to a secretly recorded audiotape of a phone conversation of Clinton critics plotting their next attack.

Clinton’s chief political strategist, Mark Penn, became embroiled recently in a controversy over intercepted electronic communications. Mitchell Markel, a former vice president at Penn’s firm, Penn, Schoen & Berland, filed a lawsuit against Penn accusing him of intercepting e-mail. Markel claimed that the firm illegally monitored messages sent from his BlackBerry after he joined another company. Markel dropped the suit in July after reaching a settlement with Penn, Schoen & Berland.”


Coincidentally, her former private investigator in the Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinski cases, Anthony Pellicano, who is currently incarcerated, is scheduled to go on trial this month for illegal wiretapping.

Pellicano made many audio tapes, audio CDs and transcripts of intercepted telephone calls of his clients’ rivals. The contents of his clients’ rivals illegally wiretapped calls, ended up being repeated to many of said rivals as veiled threats, while other items were used in the press and in campaigns.

To lift items from innocent people’s unlawfully recorded telephone calls, provided to one via audio tape, audio CD or transcripts, is the vilest, sickest form of plagiarism there is, betraying a mental disorder.

Yes, Hillary, “can hear you now.”

Spielberg Slammed In China

February 21, 2008 Comments off
February 20. 2008

Steven Spielberg

Director Steven Spielberg is being slammed in China for withdrawing as creative director of the 2008 Olympics, due to him blaming them for the crisis in Darfur.

It is being said Spielberg took this stance under the advice of actress Mia Farrow. The Chinese are offended and have fired off a number of articles and columns expressing their views on the matter. The British press has also criticized Spielberg’s decision, labeling it being misled by Farrow.

Spielberg mocked in China over Olympic pullout

Hollywood film-maker Steven Spielberg has been ridiculed in the Chinese media and on the Internet for living in a “sci-fi” dreamworld over his decision to sever ties with the Beijing Olympics.

Spielberg said last week that his conscience would no longer allow him to work on the Olympics as an artistic consultant while Sudan’s China-backed government carried out genocide in its western Darfur province.

Spielberg’s films have been box office hits in China but the producer has come under regular attack after his withdrawal from the Beijing Games.

“This person is completely living in his sci-fi world and cannot distinguish dream from reality,” said a commentator in the China Youth Daily…

“Mr Spielberg knows nothing about China’s endeavour to solve the Darfur issue,” Xinhua quoted a commentary in the Guangming Daily as saying. “He is unqualified to blame the Chinese government.”

Thousands of angry Chinese ganged up against him on Internet forums, according to the news agency. They targeted Spielberg “as a person who failed to keep his word” and for linking politics to the Beijing Olympics.

One posting said: “The US slaughters civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq. Director Spielberg, don’t you feel ashamed being an American? “You don’t criticise your own country, then how can you criticise China?”

It quoted Xinghe, a Chinese writer, as saying that the US producer had inspired Chinese youngsters who love science fiction. “He has great talent. We are regretful over his decision, but we can still enjoy his movies,” he said.