
Archive for the ‘Sibel Edmonds’ Category

How Much Did The FBI Know And When

April 16, 2008 Comments off

How Much Did The FBI Know About The Suspects In The London Bombings Before It Happened?

April 16. 2008

Robert “Show Me The Money” Mueller

It was uncovered the FBI knew about some of the suspects in the September 11th bombings in advance, before it happened. Therefore, how much did they know about the suspects in the London bombings before it happened?

I have to ask, as the criminal negligence present in 9/11 left many bewildered, as to why FBI headquarters in Washington stonewalled its own agents that wanted to investigate suspicious people related to the bombings, before it happened.

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds once stated in an interview that FBI headquarters would allow work to pile up, so they could go into Congress and say, look how much work we have, we’re falling behind and need more money for additional staff and resources.

Sibel Edmonds

She said she was encouraged at times to do nothing on the job, to create a backlog, that would go as evidence to present in Congress, to ask for more of the nation’s hard earned tax dollars for the FBI.

Considering, FBI director Robert Mueller squandered 1 billion dollars in taxpayer money, for a computer system that still hasn’t surfaced and is mysteriously plagued with bizarre problems and technical glitches the average computer company would not have experienced, it makes you wonder. Said system keeps requiring more and more congressionally earmarked taxpayer money, when the job at most should have cost roughly $50 million. Once again, it makes you wonder.

Mueller is a man that went so far as to turn in dodgy invoices for exorbitant payments rendered to “miscellaneous” entities for “miscellaneous” services, totaling a few hundred thousand dollars.

Equipment was also missing and unaccounted for (does Mueller have an EBay account). Where exactly is all the FBI’s money going, especially in light of all the massive budget increases they keep asking Congress for, at a time the nation needs the money for other things.

Story found here

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Speaks Through Photos

January 26, 2008 Comments off

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Speaks Through Photos

January 25. 2008

click to enlarge

A series of photos have been posted to whistleblower Sibel Edmonds’ web site that blogs have interpreted as her silently naming names in the selling state nuclear secrets scandal.

Siebel Edmonds

The Brad Blog has done several articles on it, with the main one found here. Here’s an excerpt:

“FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds ‘Names’ Names
21 Photos Placed Onto a ‘States Secrets Privilege Gallery’ Page at the ‘Gagged’ Former Translator’s Website, Said to Identify the High-Ranking ‘Guilty People in Her Case’
…And ‘Everybody Knows’…

Sibel Edmonds is now naming names. 21 of them.

Or rather, just 21 photographs. On a page. Without comment. At her website. The page is simply titled “Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery”. (Screenshot at right.)

Surely there’s nothing violative about that, right? Rogues gallery though it may be.

Sibel maven, Luke Ryland, has done us the favor of putting names to the faces, adding that “we can reasonably presume that they are the 21 guilty people in her case.”

Here are those names, sectioned into three groups, as Edmonds has grouped the photos in her own “Gallery”:

Current and former Pentagon and State Department officials…

* Richard Perle
* Douglas Feith
* Eric Edelman
* Marc Grossman
* Brent Scowcroft
* Larry Franklin

Current and former congressmen…

* Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Ex-House Speaker
* Roy Blount (R-MO)
* Dan Burton (R-IN)
* Tom Lantos (D-CA)
* ? (Photo simply a box with question mark in it)
* Bob Livingston (R-LA), Ex-House Speaker
* Stephen Solarz (D-NY)

The 3rd group includes people who all appear to work at think tanks – primarily WINEP, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

* Graham E. Fuller – RAND
* David Makovsky – WINEP
* Alan Makovsky – WINEP
* ? (Photo simply a box with question mark in it)
* ? (Photo simply a box with question mark in it)
* Yusuf Turani (President-in-exile, Turkistan)
* Professor Sabri Sayari (Georgetown, WINEP)
* Mehmet Eymur (Former Turkish Spy Chief MIT)

Story found here

Kill The Messenger

January 24, 2008 Comments off

Title: Kill The Messenger

Year Of Release: 2006

Review Date: January 24, 2008

Rating: PG

Running time: 52 minutes

Box Office Gross: N/A

Recommendation: Former FBI employee blows the whistle on corrupt agency director Robert Mueller.

Sibel Edmonds Tells All

documentary link

Girlfriend made the FBI’s Robert Mueller look like a real animal in this documentary. So yea, I basically enjoyed it. After the criminal negligence he utilized in my human rights abuse case that could have cost me my life, it was good to see someone throw him under the bus for the traitor he is to his country, morality and justice.

What I didn’t enjoy is the sheer level of corruption pouring out of this man with his notorious cover ups, highlighted in this film. It shows you just how unprotected the country is when more attention is given to a cover up than a cure.

They have been making active attempts at destroying this woman for simply telling the truth and not going along with a Mueller ordered cover up.

She appropriately went to Congress with what she had discovered, which Mueller hated. And since Mueller thinks the FBI under his poor leadership is its own free standing branch of government, unanswerable to the Constitution, Congress and the people, he decided to teach Mrs. Edmonds a lesson for opening her mouth.

He paid her back for her honesty via retaliation. I cannot begin to tell you what a punk you look like retaliating against a woman.

If I hadn’t been told by a very credible source that you cheated on your wife, I’d wonder if you’d been castrated, getting vengeful in that manner, retaliating against a woman. And please deny it, so you can get caught in a lie – and considering I was the first to write about certain FBI Patriot Act abuses in my December 2006 Sound Off Column that the DOJ Inspector General, Glenn Fine, found to be true three months later in March 2007, I’m not the one with the history of lying. But keep having Miami FBI lawyers (Mr. Novice and Mr. Luders – January 2008) call me playing with me asking me questions they already know the answers to, about that case where my very life was placed in jeopardy, and all your business is going to end up on this site. But enough about me…

Sibel Edmonds is one of several now former FBI employees who’ve complained that Mueller viciously retaliated against them for rightfully going to Congress and blowing the whistle on activity he engaged in that they correctly deemed corrupt.

These cover ups are destructive, endangering the country and they need to stop. Rather than tackling serious problems with national security, crime and human rights, they are being swept under the rug, which is very dangerous.

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds

Mueller’s been trying to shut Sibel Edmonds up and play down the article that came out in the London Times last week, but the cover up is dead. The story has been spooled onto tens of thousands of web sites, which multiplied by their respective site readerships, means millions of people have read about it.

You’re not hiding anything from anyone – other than the names of the corrupt officials, which ironically, a few credible newspapers have in their possession.

Because of the FBI’s deafening silence, international papers are ripping the agency to shreds and “the U.S. Media” for “covering it up.”

Too bad for Mueller the U.S. blogs didn’t cover it up – liberal, conservative and otherwise, are demanding answers. If I were you I wouldn’t sneeze at that. There are blogs online that get more readers than talk shows on major networks get viewers.

Robert Mueller, the current FBI director, was at the helm of the agency when September 11th happened due to criminal negligence. He was at the helm when hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money went missing on a yet to surface computer system. He was at the helm when the FBI, under his leadership, was outed by the New York Times for conducting the president’s illegal warrantless wiretapping program. He was at the helm when an appalling scandal surfaced recently regarding him launching a cover up to protect a handful of U.S. government officials selling state nuclear secrets. Yet amazingly, he is still at the helm.

Yes, the country has much reason to be concerned. The worst part is the nation doesn’t even know the half of it where this man is concerned.

Mark my words, when all is said and done, Robert Mueller is going to end up being one of the worst things that ever happened to America.

*this review was adapted from an article on the Judiciary Report site click here

The London Times Blasts Mueller Cover Up

January 21, 2008 Comments off
Robert Mueller Accused Of Covering For Corrupt U.S. Officials Selling State Nuclear Secrets

…This One Is Sure To Cause A Fuehrer, I Mean Furor

January 21. 2008

The London Times seems to have run into the same treachery, deceitfulness and corruption I did when trying to obtain files from the FBI under the Freedom Of Information Act.

Congress declared by national order that you are supposed to be able to obtain said files, but Robert Mueller, who routinely engages in treachery that would put the mafia to shame, often decides otherwise.

Congratulate yourself, Mueller. Now your treachery and deceitfulness is known worldwide.


“THE FBI has been accused of covering up a key case file detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets.

The assertion follows allegations made in The Sunday Times two weeks ago by Sibel Edmonds, an FBI whistleblower, who worked on the agency’s investigation of the network.

Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator, listened into hundreds of sensitive intercepted conversations while based at the agency’s Washington field office.

She says the FBI was investigating a Turkish and Israeli-run network that paid high-ranking American officials to steal nuclear weapons secrets. These were then sold on the international black market to countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

* For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets

One of the documents relating to the case was marked 203A-WF-210023. Last week, however, the FBI responded to a freedom of information request for a file of exactly the same number by claiming that it did not exist. But The Sunday Times has obtained a document signed by an FBI official showing the existence of the file.

Edmonds believes the crucial file is being deliberately covered up by the FBI because its contents are explosive. She accuses the agency of an “outright lie”.

“I can tell you that that file and the operations it refers to did exist from 1996 to February 2002. The file refers to the counterintelligence programme that the Department of Justice has declared to be a state secret to protect sensitive diplomatic relations,” she said.

The freedom of information request had not been initiated by Edmonds. It was made quite separately by an American human rights group called the Liberty Coalition, acting on a tip-off it received from an anonymous correspondent.

The letter says: “You may wish to request pertinent audio tapes and documents under FOIA from the Department of Justice, FBI-HQ and the FBI Washington field office.”

It then makes a series of allegations about the contents of the file – many of which corroborate the information that Edmonds later made public.

Edmonds had told this newspaper that members of the Turkish political and diplomatic community in the US had been actively acquiring nuclear secrets. They often acted as a conduit, she said, for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s spy agency, because they attracted less suspicion.”

Continued here:

UK Times: Official Documents Prove FBI lied to protect US officials

by Luke Ryland Page 1 of 2 page(s)

January 19, 2008 at 19:36:44

The UK’s Sunday Times has another explosive article out tonight.

THE FBI has been accused of covering up a key case file detailing evidence against corrupt government officials and their dealings with a network stealing nuclear secrets.

The Times has obtained official documents which prove that the FBI is lying about the existence of a counterintelligence operation targeting high-level US officials and Turkish operatives.

The FBI’s comments demonstrate conclusively that either:
a) They are lying, or
b) They have destroyed the evidence of this multi-year investigation concerning the corruption of high-level US officials, the nuclear black market, money laundering and narcotics trafficking.

With the FBI claiming that these documents don’t exist, we must conclude either that they are demonstrably lying, or that they have destroyed all the evidence.

Unfortunately for the FBI, we are aware of at least two other cases where this operation was referenced, and those references were documented outside the FBI…

Continued here:

Story found here