
Archive for the ‘Mr. Ed’ Category

Hillary Clinton Killed Mr. Ed

May 6, 2008 Comments off

Just Kidding…But She Jinxed A Horse She Endorsed

Me to Hillary’s truck driver: hit reverse…hard!

To all you people planning on voting for Hillary Clinton, this is what happens to people that do:

Horsy “Eight Bells” jinxed by meanie Hillary is down for the count

That horse voted for Hillary Clinton and look what happened to it. Broke both ankles, lost the race and got whacked euthanized. Some of you might say, “But horses can’t vote!” Shut up, who asked you. You’re messing up my story with pesky details.

Obama: how was my weekend, you ask? I won Guam and Hillary killed a horse.

It stands to reason, if Hillary jinxed that horse, imagine what she would do to the country! People have been dropping like flies, well horses, around the Clintons. Was this horse another victim of the “Clinton Body Count.”

Did the horse know too much? Did Hillary need more hair for her mullet and decide the horse had to go? Yes, one for the scholars, indeed.

I’m just kidding.

Hillary’s Horse

May 03, 2008 7:05 PM – Tragedy struck the first filly in the Kentucky Derby since 1999, as Eight Belles went down on the track after her second-place finish today, broke two ankles, and was euthanized.

Showing a sisterhood with the female horse, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., during a trip to Louisville this week had said she was going to bet on Eight Belles to win, place, and show.

ABC News’ Karen Travers reports that Clinton told supporters in Jeffersonville, Ind., earlier this week, “I hope that everybody will go to the derby on Saturday and place just a little money on the filly for me. I won’t be able to be there this year — my daughter is going to be there and so she has strict instructions to bet on Eight Belles.”

Story found here