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Hollywood And Drugs

January 23, 2008 Comments off
Hollywood Is A Drug Den

January 23. 2008 

Yesterday 28-year-old actor Heath Ledger died from what many news outlets are calling a drug overdose. While his autopsy was inconclusive, a variety of prescription drugs were found in his apartment.

The actor also has a history of illegal drug use, namely heroin and cocaine. At the time of his death he was suffering from pneumonia, which would have created a lethal combination with the prescription drugs found in his apartment. 

When I heard of his death, I remembered the passing of another entertainer that struggled with drugs, Michael Hutchence, of the band INXS. He reminds me of him.

Michael Hutchence of INXS

Heath Ledger

Ledger didn’t look very happy in his last days. Photos surfaced of him looking very depressed with eyes clearly darkened by the things he was going through, having split with his girlfriend, who is the mother of his toddler, and starring in a series of disturbing films (Brokeback Mountain, Dark Knight & Dr. Parnassus). My condolences to his family.

Brad Renfro

A few weeks before Ledger’s death, 25-year-old actor Brad Renfro was found dead in his home from a drug overdose. He was a young man that started out in the church, but was lured by the lights of Hollywood that ultimately did him in.

Brad Renfro on the red carpet

mug shot (top) his funereal (below)

He starred in almost two dozen films with more in the pipeline. He’d made a considerable sum of money from acting. By all appearances Renfro had a lot to live for, but died because of drugs.

River Phoenix

In 1993, promising young actor River Phoenix, 23, died from a drug overdose outside the Hollywood club The Viper Room. He collapsed on the sidewalk. A mixture of cocaine and heroine proved fatal.

For anyone to die that young is a tragedy. Yet these are only a few of the many entertainers that have tragically died in this manner.

The fact of the matter is Hollywood is a drug den. Full stop. Many celebrities have spoken of how they got on drugs in their early teens – not even twenties – their early teens. Drugs are in abundant supply in Hollywood and frequently encouraged, regardless of age, race or sex. The government needs to crackdown on that.

Some take it because they say it makes them feel good, while others say it opens up their minds, but the effects are so damaging, it can’t be worth it.

The Viper Room

Hollywood has so desensitized the public to drug use, using it for street cred in films and television dramas, that most teens today think it’s no big deal, when it is very serious.

Anything that can kill you is a big deal. Anything that can shave decades off your life is a big deal.

Some celebrities clearly aren’t happy. Happy people don’t mope around looking disoriented and depressed, but the drug culture in Hollywood is so prevalent that many fall prey to it.

There’s also the trap of feeling you are rich and famous, yet still unhappy – therefore, drugs are what’s missing from your life. That’s not the way to go. Literally.

Story found here