Home > Brian Vigneaux, Cleveland, Cleveland Plain Dealer, FBI, federal, feds > FBI Agent Shot In Government Hummer

FBI Agent Shot In Government Hummer

January 3, 2008
FBI Agent Gets Shot On A Date…On His Birthday

January 2. 2008

Wow, of all the times to get shot. An off duty FBI agent was shot after leaving a bar in a government issued Hummer that the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper is asking whether or not he should have taken home. Did Mueller shoot him (just kidding).

But this really did happen and the most amazing part of the story is after being shot in the chest the agent, Brian Vigneaux, “Drove his friend home before driving himself to Lakewood Hospital.”

Wow, when most men get shot they either:

a.) fall down on the ground and don’t wake back up again.

b.) scream like a girl.

What is the FBI doing to these men. Is Mueller feeding them gunpowder for breakfast. Really, give them a pop tart every now and again. It’s okay to cry.

The interior of a customized stretch Hummer (not the actual Hummer involved in this case)

I can just see the training courses at Quantico:

1. How to stop a bullet…with your teeth
2. How to pick locks…with your teeth
3. How to scale a building with one hand…and shoot with the other
4. How to headlock a communist with one hand…and a terrorist with the other

Seriously, it’s okay to be human, as you’re not robots. It’s okay to call an ambulance when you get shot. A bullet wound is not a paper cut.


What happened to the FBI agent almost carjacked in Lakewood?
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Q: What happened to the FBI agent almost carjacked in Lakewood?

A: Brian Vigneaux, an FBI agent for 25 years, was shot in the chest April 28 as two robbers tried to steal the yellow Hummer he was driving after celebrating a birthday at a tavern in Lakewood.

While Vigneaux and a female friend sat in the vehicle at Wyandotte and Madison avenues, two men approached. The 50-year-old Rocky River resident managed to fend off the would-be carjackers, but was shot. Though wounded, he drove his friend home before driving himself to Lakewood Hospital. He was treated and released.

The shooting occurred at 2:30 a.m. Months later, neither the FBI nor Lakewood police have been able to find the attackers, said FBI spokesman Scott Wilson.

Wilson declined to reveal the outcome of the FBI’s second investigation of the incident: why Vigneaux was driving the government-owned Hummer while off-duty. Wilson declined to say if Vigneaux was allowed to have the vehicle, if he was breaking bureau rules or if Vigneaux was disciplined. Such matters are kept confidential under bureau policy, he said. – http://www.cleveland.com

Story found here