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FBI Agent Offers Woman Punch

September 15, 2007

Correction: FBI Agent Offers Woman A Punch

FBI Agent Threatens To Punch Girlfriend In The Face, Pulls Her Around Apartment By Her Hair And Holds Her Hostage

September 14. 2007

FBI agent Carl “Ike Turner” Spicocchi (Photo: Dave Zapotosky)

Boy, the B in FBI must stand for beatdown. An FBI agent, Carl L. Spicocchi, that headed up the Toledo, Ohio field office, beat up his girlfriend, dragged her around his luxury apartment by her hair, then locked her in a closet for several hours against her will.

Ok yea, that’ll make her stay…not! Way to show her she would make the right choice by staying with you. Poor woman must have feared for her life.

Why does it seem like the FBI breaks the law more than it abides by it (Patriot Act abuses and numerous other incidents). Why does it seem like the FBI commits more crimes than it solves.

Recently, another FBI agent was charged on three misdemeanor counts of masturbating in the women’s bathroom of a university. Another agent is in trouble for framing a man for a crime he did not commit for which he spent 14 years in prison. Another agent is under investigation for deliberately bumping a university student with his car.

Then there are the firearms mishaps. Recently there have been several. An agent was killed at Quantico during a training mishap. Another was killed during a bank robbery stakeout by another agent who accidentally shot him. Then there’s the headline in today’s news about a man suing the FBI over an agent shooting him in the back while he was cuffed and face down.

Then there was the incident in Puerto Rico a few months ago where witnesses attested the man the FBI went to the island regarding, roughed up and pushed journalists out the way over, even inexplicably spraying the writers with mace, did not resist arrest, held his hands up surrendering, but was shot multiple times and killed anyway.

Then there are all these news stories about even more Patriot Act abuses – with not only the FBI requesting data for citizens’ calls, but the records of the people they phone as well and vice versa (friends, family, business associates ect).

Other credible stories abound of the FBI serving people exigent letters, ordering them to turn over all the information they have on someone and to shut up about it, even though the recipient suspects the request is improper and illegal.

Even in this recent battery case, the FBI agent threatened his girlfriend that he was keeping a file on her with the intent of ruining her if she left him, no doubt gathered using federally taught techniques, paid for by your tax dollars.

What are people to think when they read damaging, credible articles like these in the press every other day. It’s like the FBI has become a rogue, clandestine agency not answerable to Congress or the people. What’s the term I’m looking for again, ah, yes, secret police.

“For nearly six hours, a senior FBI official terrorized his Arlington County girlfriend, at times holding her at knifepoint in her closet, dragging her around the apartment by her hair and forcing a gun into her mouth in a jealous, drunken rage, police allege in court documents.

Carl L. Spicocchi, 54, a former head of the FBI’s Toledo office who was on a temporary assignment in Washington, is being held without bond at the Arlington jail on two felony counts — abduction with intent to defile and a firearms charge, police said.

Spicocchi, who ran the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Toledo, has also been charged with misdemeanor assault and battery in the alleged Aug. 23 incident at the luxury high-rise Buchanan apartment building in Crystal City.” – Washington Post

Story found here

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